Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Midterms and Miscellaneous.

So midterms are just three days away....and I am wayyyyyy not happy about that. My religion midterm is going to kick my butt, big time. American Lit shouldn't be so bad, though, so maybe it will balance out.

Thankfully, my American History midterm is not until I get back from Spring Break. However, that means I actually will have to study for it OVER Spring Break....ahhh, such is life.

My religion teacher has also given us insane amounts of homework over Spring Break....loser.

ANYWAY, I will be home in three days. I am super stoked. I mean, I like school and all, but I love home so much more. Family, boyfriend, dogs....who could ask for anything better than all that in one place?? I submit that there is nothing better than that.

I am in the middle of doing religion reading (well, I was, but I decided to post on here, instead).

I was searching online devotions today, and came across one whose format I really liked. I will post it now.

The Word:
“Do not let your heart be troubled. You trust God. Now trust in Me.” John 14:1

Jesus, You call me to trust you. There are two issues that are really big here: pride and control.

#1Pride. I thought that having to ask for help and support would be a sign of weakness, a blow to my ego. I want to be like you, Jesus. But you never had to ask for help, did you? Then I’m reminded of Luke 23:26 where Simon followed you and carried your cross. To not ask for help is arrogance. To humble myself and ask is truly trusting you.

#2 Control. I know I’m supposed to leave the consequences up to you, God. I need to just trust and obey. But I feel I need to direct the outcome or else someone else will. Perhaps it will be the world or some ungodly person. But the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God. Help me let go of control! I need to see and trust you as a sovereign and good God who is in control.

Help me walk by trust, not by sight or my pride and control.

Act of Devotion:
What is the biggest thing in your life right now that you need to trust God with? What will it take for you to give it up to Him?

So there is my devotion for today. I think it's rather apropos, don't you??

Live, Laugh, Love, Vote Clinton.

Much Love,

<3 Becca

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