Thursday, March 6, 2008

Procrastination and Fields of Gold.

Hello all.

All....yeah....that's a riot....there are only like, two people who read this anyway....maybe only one.


So I should totally be doing homework right now....ahh well, it happens. (Or doesn't happen).

I have been listening to Eva Cassidy's version of "Fields of Gold" on repeat for about an hour, give or take 10 minutes. It brings back a lot of good memories. As at least one of you knows (mom), I have an emotional attachment to this song, because Michelle Kwan skated to it at the 2002 Olympic exhibitions. Wow....I can't believe that was over 6 years ago....time has gone so fast. I remember one night, in particular, as soon as the 2002 Olympics were ending, and I was getting my shower ready, I thought to myself, "I will be 17 the next time the Winter Olympics come around." Seriously, I remember thinking that to myself, perfectly clear as if it were just yesterday. I thought to myself also, "Michelle will DEFINITELY win in 2006." Well....two years have come and gone since the 06 Olympics in Turino, Italy. I was 17, and Michelle did not win. She did not even get to compete due to a stupid injury. She is now a student at the University of Colorado at Denver, and will probably not be in the competitive scene for figure skating anymore. Listening to the aforementioned song today has brought up the memories of her competitive skating particular when I saw her skate at the Champions on Ice tour show at Rupp Arena in Lexington on May 24, 2002. That was also the night I got to meet her, which I still say is one of the happiest nights of my life up to this point. I am sure happier times are to some, and have come, but that is right up there toward the top.

I have grown so much since then. I'm 6 years older and 20 years wiser, it seems. A lot has happened since then, none of which I would take back for anything, and some of which I want to preserve forever. Mainly, though, I just miss being as carefree as I was back then. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't change my life right now for anything, but I just wish I had the same happy-go-lucky attitude as I had wayyyy back in 02.

Wow....I started out writing this blog just thinking I was just going to briefly mention that I was listening to Fields of Gold and then move on. Oh much for that. Life is full of unexpected twists and turns, and although the subject of this blog is seemingly insignificant, it is one of them, indeed.

That is all I have for now.

Much Love,

<3 Becca

1 comment:

Cindy said...

One of the 14 songs I have on my ipod is "Fields of Gold". . .maybe I have the same sentimental attachment to a more carefree time. . .ya think?