Monday, January 26, 2009

Break, Infusion, and Wintry Weather.

So I took my final for my Practicum and Introduction to Education class (EDU 227) this morning at 9am....finished before 10. Hopefully it will prove to be fruitful. I enjoyed the class altogether, even the observation I was doing at Boyle County HS. I think this teaching high school English thing really is for me.

Anyway, left Danville at about 10:45 this to Ashland almost 3 hours later. I was scared to get on the road because of the snow that fell last night. I was terrified the roads would be icy. They weren't icy, though, for which I was very thankful. Actually, the only ice I did hit was one tiny patch on New Circle. For the most part, I-64 was completely clear. Anyway, got home about a quarter til 2, and after texting Rog and Salome, and calling Nannie & GD and Aunt Neni, and mom calling dad, I sat down with mom and talked about a plethora of things. It was really hard to concentrate, actually because Kathryn kept playing things on the computer, and the TV was on. Anyway, Kat showed me a HILARIOUS video, which I will now post here:
You should totally watch it. Gobama.

Rog came over and we just chilled for a bit....then Rog and I went to the mall. He got a really awesome argyle sweater (!!!!) from JCPenney, and I got jeans from Vanity. I need to return my jeans, though........just don't feel right, which is odd, because I tried them on in the store. Oh well, no matter. We ended up finding my receipt (actually I think dad did), so it should be no problem returning them. I also have all of the tags, so that's another plus.

Rog and I got home from the mall.
Dad got home from work.
We ate dinner.

We sat around waiting for House to start, and while we were waiting we were watching Andy Griffith. Now, I've always said that I don't like that show....but I'll have to admit, I think I'm starting to enjoy it. It almost made me cry at one point tonight, and it made me crack up at others. Just goes to show ya, your tastes change like the direction of the wind. Wow. Deep. I surprise myself. Hah.

Mom, Rog, and I watched House....Kat on computer....Dad went to Wal-Mart(s).

Oh yeah, Ashland had a snow day today. And now they are already called off for tomorrow. Lucky Ashland schoolers!!

I have my infusion tomorrow at 11am, though, which is AWESOME. Although....I am just hoping that we can make it off of our hill in the snow/ice. I have to get to my infusion........HAVE TO. Like, no exceptions. I am getting my Remicade, gosh darnit, and there's nothing anybody can do to stop me. I am hurting really badly right now....amazed, actually, that I can still type this blog. For real, though....I think that's my cue to take my meds and go to bed.

This has at least been therapy for me. =]]

Much Love,


Saturday, January 10, 2009


So....just a funny moment.

We're over at the I house again (I am here all the time, haha). ANYWAY, so Greg is getting ready to go to work at the hut, and he had to go get his shower. So we're sitting in Greg's room, and he went into the bathroom, and out of nowhere we hear him scream, "I'm a barbie girl!!"

Okay, that was pretty much it.

Oh wait, I forgot....

At dinner the other night (did I post this yesterday?? I don't remember....), Salome, Jonica, Alwyn, Claudette, Marc, Kinzena, and I were sitting at the table. We were just talking about something totally unrelated, and Claudette says, "Hey, we're like a dalmatian with only one spot." It was pretty funny, because she was calling me the spot because I was the only white girl amidst black girls and boys (in other words, everyone BUT me that was sitting there is black). Then Alwyn just looked at her and said, "Claudette, dalmatians are BORN WHITE!!" It was really funny. I feel as if I should put it on my quotes on facebook, but I think I'm almost out of room there. Time to pick and choose!!



Friday, January 9, 2009

Long time, No talk. Or write, as the case may be.

I'm not sure exactly WHY I decided to update this. Actually, I sort of know exactly what prompted me to do so. I saw the facebook status of a friend pertaining to her blog, so I decided I would update mine, as well. It really HAS been quite a long time....almost a year. Okay, actually it's been 2 days short of 10 months....but that's still almost a year in my book.


I am a little over halfway through my sophomore year at Centre. Man, this year has already been totally AWESOME. Seriously, it really has. We're in CentreTerm right now, so I guess that's what I'll talk about first.

I'm taking an Introduction to Education class for this CentreTerm. That means that I'm either in class or observing at Boyle County High School for at least 6 hours a day. I'm really enjoying both the class AND the observing, and I'm finding I am getting more and more excited about my prospective teaching career with each passing day. The teacher I am observing is a high school English teacher, and she is teaching 11th grade AP English Language, 12th grade AP English Literature, and a regular level English IV class (senior English, that is). The classes are really quite entertaining, as is the teacher, so it makes for a good time!! Today was my first FULL day of observing. We sometimes do our observations in the AM, sometimes in the PM, and today (and the next 2 Fridays) we are out in the schools all day long. I got to grade students' quizzes on grammar today, which is a favorite pastime of mine. Actually, both grammar AND grading papers are things I enjoy, so that part of my day was very nice. :)

Yesterday, there was a kid who asked Mrs. Tiller, "Can I go brush my teeth?" in the middle of class. She let was too funny an opportunity to pass up, imo. Today, and probably altogether so far, the funniest moment was when Mrs. Tiller started talking about how she was Indian wrestling over Christmas break. Now, THAT was funny enough....but then some kids had a question about what Indian wrestling IS and how you do it, so she got a student to volunteer and they both (the student and Mrs. Tiller) got down on the floor and had the beginnings of an Indian wrestling match. It was quite comical. Very, very entertaining.

Jamison and I had a meeting last night about NEDAW stuff. This is by far my favorite time of year, I think. I hate, absolutely HATE, the cold weather, but NEDAW is something I practically live to do. The meeting was actually for all of BALANCE, but I think some people are abroad, and others had other things going on, so it ended up just being Jamison and me at the meeting. It's whatever, though....because this year isn't going to be nearly as stressful as last year. Reason being, we know pretty much everything we're going to do, and we also have some materials left over from last year. XD Yay for being ahead of schedule compared to last year's planning. I think this year is going to be pretty good. I am a little apprehensive about the convo speaker, but everything I have seen about her (granted it's not much, but still) has been good. Hopefully she's a reliable narrator (sorry for using my English nerdiness there).

I'm chillin at the I house right now. Salome and I are in Greg's room, but he's not actually in here. I think he's downstairs somewhere....Marc is here, too. He's downstairs playing cards with a couple of other people. Also, Richard is around here somewhere (I think) and Alwyn is in his room getting ready after working out to Soulja Boy. Funny story!! At least, it is to me....probably not anyone who doesn't know these people, but whatever. ANYWAY, for those of you who don't know, Richard is Chinese. Well, after we finished watching an episode of House on DVD over here we turned on the TV and The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift was on. Obviously, it's set in Tokyo....which means Asians. Not Chinese....Japanese, duh. Oh wait, I messed up the story. WHILE we were watching House, one of the patients was Asian, and Marc says, "The Asian guy looks so funny when he does that. Hey, he looks like Richard!!" Which is funny to me, because that's just the stereotype that all Asians look alike, and since Richard is the Asian that lives here in the I house (and is consequently the one we see the most), all Asians we see anywhere MUST look like Richard. Okay, so going back to Tokyo Drift. After we had watched House (when Marc said that about Richard), like I said, we were watching Tokyo Drift. Hokay, so of course there are millions of Japanese people in the movie, so just for humor's sake, the first shot of lots of them we see (I think it was in the school) I said something like, "Hey look!! It's lots of Richards!!" Probably much funnier if you were here, but I still thought it was pretty hilarious. We all had a nice laugh about it.

We also went to the Centre basketball game(s) tonight. We played Rhodes. The guys won by like 37 points, and we left at halftime of the girl's game. TC weathered a nasty elbow shot to his nose....which proceeded to pour forth blood onto the floor. It took them forever (them being the people in charge of cleaning it up) to actually CLEAN it off the floor, because they just kept wiping it with only a towel, and not using any spray or water, so it was just smearing. I know that was a visual you really wanted to have, right?? So TC ended up coming back into the game and all was well.

Have I already mentioned that I have earaches from hell right now?? I use the plural because I have an earache in both ears. Since that is the case, I have ear drops and cotton in both ears. Makes it a little difficult to hear, but now whenever they fall out it sounds really, REALLY loud. Apparently I have fluid BEHIND both eardrums....something they didn't catch at Parson's yesterday afternoon, so I'm glad I ended up going back this morning....not that I had a choice in the matter.

All right, this is getting tediously long, so I'm wrapping it up for now.

Peace, Love, and Animal Rights.

<3 class="blsp-spelling-error" id="SPELLING_ERROR_17">Bec