Monday, January 26, 2009

Break, Infusion, and Wintry Weather.

So I took my final for my Practicum and Introduction to Education class (EDU 227) this morning at 9am....finished before 10. Hopefully it will prove to be fruitful. I enjoyed the class altogether, even the observation I was doing at Boyle County HS. I think this teaching high school English thing really is for me.

Anyway, left Danville at about 10:45 this to Ashland almost 3 hours later. I was scared to get on the road because of the snow that fell last night. I was terrified the roads would be icy. They weren't icy, though, for which I was very thankful. Actually, the only ice I did hit was one tiny patch on New Circle. For the most part, I-64 was completely clear. Anyway, got home about a quarter til 2, and after texting Rog and Salome, and calling Nannie & GD and Aunt Neni, and mom calling dad, I sat down with mom and talked about a plethora of things. It was really hard to concentrate, actually because Kathryn kept playing things on the computer, and the TV was on. Anyway, Kat showed me a HILARIOUS video, which I will now post here:
You should totally watch it. Gobama.

Rog came over and we just chilled for a bit....then Rog and I went to the mall. He got a really awesome argyle sweater (!!!!) from JCPenney, and I got jeans from Vanity. I need to return my jeans, though........just don't feel right, which is odd, because I tried them on in the store. Oh well, no matter. We ended up finding my receipt (actually I think dad did), so it should be no problem returning them. I also have all of the tags, so that's another plus.

Rog and I got home from the mall.
Dad got home from work.
We ate dinner.

We sat around waiting for House to start, and while we were waiting we were watching Andy Griffith. Now, I've always said that I don't like that show....but I'll have to admit, I think I'm starting to enjoy it. It almost made me cry at one point tonight, and it made me crack up at others. Just goes to show ya, your tastes change like the direction of the wind. Wow. Deep. I surprise myself. Hah.

Mom, Rog, and I watched House....Kat on computer....Dad went to Wal-Mart(s).

Oh yeah, Ashland had a snow day today. And now they are already called off for tomorrow. Lucky Ashland schoolers!!

I have my infusion tomorrow at 11am, though, which is AWESOME. Although....I am just hoping that we can make it off of our hill in the snow/ice. I have to get to my infusion........HAVE TO. Like, no exceptions. I am getting my Remicade, gosh darnit, and there's nothing anybody can do to stop me. I am hurting really badly right now....amazed, actually, that I can still type this blog. For real, though....I think that's my cue to take my meds and go to bed.

This has at least been therapy for me. =]]

Much Love,


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