Sunday, February 24, 2008

Okay, so I lied. I didn't post a decent length blog when I said I was going to. Oh well, life happens.

Today is the first day of National Eating Disorders Awareness Week....I am soooooo stoked!!!!
A little stressed out, but stoked all the same. Tonight we are kicking off the week with a vigil at 10:30 to honor those who have lost their lives to or who are struggling/have struggled with an eating disorder. Julie, Jamison, and I are all going to give a 5ish minute talk. I think I'm going to open and close mine with a Bible verse. We shall see. I'm getting ready to write it now, actually....wish me luck!!

We spent an hour and a half today hanging up posters and putting all the fliers on all the tables, etc. We got the table tents put up in Cowan (thanks to Tammy), and our tables with fliers and brochures are totally kickass. We are just kickass girls. Seriously, we are so incredibly awesome. We don't care what anybody has to say about it, and we don't care if anybody ELSE recognizes our awesomeness, because WE realize it, and we have worked our butts off to get all this together. It is going to be an AMAZING week. Filled with stress, yes, but it is still going to be amazing. Like really, uh-mazing.

And the convo on Tuesday, well, it's goin got be pretty awesome, too. It's going to be given by a dietician, Tina Thompson, and afterward we are going to have a student panel (consisting of Julie, Jamison, and me) to answer audience members' questions. Should be verrrrrry interesting.

Okay, that's all I've got time to write for now....I have to get to work on my vigil speech and much to do so little time!!!!



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