Monday, February 4, 2008

Back to the grindstone....Another Monday, Another Week.

Okay, so I've got another Monday under my belt. Well, almost. I'm practically finished with today, because I don't have any more classes, but more homework looms ahead in the night.

I'm a little freaked out right now....phones are acting screwy....and all of my messages have mysteriously disappeared from my may be asking yourself, "What's so strange about that?" and I will, in fact, tell you.

1.) I called Rog today and his phone didn't ring....seconds were elapsing on my phone, but his wasn't ringing, so I hung up my end and called him again. It rang this time, but he didn't answer (I later found out he had been on the phone with someone else), so I left a voicemail. He called me back like 2 minutes later, and I had assumed he had gotten my voicemail....but this was not the case. He thought something was wrong with me, because he got a text message from my number that said "PLEASE CALL". At face value, there is nothing that seems strange about that, but the thing is, I hadn't sent the message. He double checked to see if it was, in fact, from me, and yeah, it said it was from my name and number. Weeiiiiirrrrrrrdddd....because then I checked my outbox, and all of my outgoing messages had been erased. Now, I don't make a practice of deleting any of my text messages. Actually, I don't EVER delete ANY messages at ALL....which makes this scenario even weirder.

So what is going on here?? I'm a little spooked....whether I should be, or not. I am definitely a little shaken, as anyone who knows me can understand, because I get scared really easily. While some may chalk up this little occurrence to some weird mixed signals/crossed lines thing, I'm not so easily convinced. It all seems too weird to me....I guess it's sort of like the age-old question, "How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?" And of course, the answer is, "The world my never know."

I think I'm going to go work on the NEDAW flyers....we're having a meeting during common hour on Thursday so I feel like I should have SOMETHING accomplished.

Much Love and God Bless,


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