Sunday, February 3, 2008

Time for Another....

Okay, so I'm writing a new post, yet again, when I should be doing my religion homework. =/

Not much has happened since I wrote my last blog yesterday. I've had several downs since then, but I'm trying to keep everything in perspective and look at this situation as a "blessing in disguise," although I'm really struggling to see the blessing right now. Maybe it will get better soon....I can only hope so.

No longer going hiking. Looks like I'm doing homework all day.

I was up into the wee hours of the morning last night....2:15ish....which is wayyyyyy past my bedtime. I think I probably didn't get tired before then because I had had a bottle of DMD earlier in the day. Still, though, I wouldn't think the caffeine would last THAT long....that would be, like 8 hours....totally crazy. But until yesterday I hadn't had caffeine for a long while, so it very well could have lasted that long.

I'm really in the mood to watch "The Cutting Edge," but unfortunately I have to do my stupid work. We are not allowed to have fun at Centre College. We must do work....all the fun sir. Okay, okay, that's a lie....we have fun here, of course, but this weekend has been filled with nothing but reading, reading, reading, and reading for my classes tomorrow and Tuesday. I have a feeling this is going to become the story of my life this semester....I am going to do nothing but read what is assigned to me. I think I have said something similar to that in a blog before, but I'm saying it again, so there. =)

I really want to go home for a few days....Each time I come back I enjoy it less and less because I really want to be at home. That's not to say I don't like it here, because I totally do, but I just think I would be happier if I could stay at home. Maybe I'm just convincing myself of that because I'm not making any new friends........and I know that my family will always be there at home for me, as well as the boyfriend, and I just long for home sometimes....obviously, this is one of those times.

With that said, I wouldn't go to college anywhere but here. Sure, it's really, really hard, and sure, I don't get to do a lot outside of schoolwork, but I honestly think this is the best school in the south and one of the best in the nation. I can't wait to graduate from here and say, "Hey, I have a degree from Centre College." Yeah, that will be a proud day. =)

Okay, I've rambled enough....time to get back to work.

Much Love and God Bless,

<3 Becca

1 comment:

Roger said...

I'm not the only blog addict! You know I think about all this... YOU have a bright future!