Saturday, February 2, 2008

My life right now.

Okay, so since I haven't been able to post stuff like this for a long time, mainly because I don't ever use Xanga anymore and Facebook and Myspace blogs aren't conducive to daily blogging, I am really excited to have a place where I can post as often as I would like, and whatever I would like to post.

First things first:

Life is going pretty well right now, considering the fact that I am back at Centre for Spring Term. I am proud to say that I passed Fall Term and I did better than pass Centre Term....I got an A- in my class....a MAJOR accomplishment for anyone here at Centre, especially after Fall Term was really difficult for me. Now, don't get me wrong, Centre Term was also really, REALLY stressful, and I had to work a LOT, but somehow I got a much better grade than I did on average in my Fall Term classes. Stupid Calc and Econ screwed me over, and definitely turned me off of wanting to be an Econ major.

I am more than happy, as far as my relationships go. I have this amazingly awesome boyfriend, and I love him to death. He says the same about me, too, so I think it's a good situation on all sides!! =)

I had an amazing winter break last was seriously much needed, even though we only had 3 weeks worth of Centre Term classes. I got to spend a lot of time with Roger (the boyfriend) as well as my family, so it was all around a great time!! The only thing I didn't get to do was go ice skating in the park, but perhaps I'll get to do that if I get to go home for Valentine's weekend....that would be WONDERFUL. It is really cold, now, so it should still be open in two weeks.

We started back classes yesterday and finished our first half-week today. I think all my classes are going to go really, really well, especially my American Lit. class. Unfortunately, with Am. Lit., History, Religion, AND Humanities, I am going to have to do a LOT of reading. I already have about 200 pages to do this weekend for Monday, and another 40 more for Tuesday, so tomorrow and Sunday should be verrrrrry interesting. We'll see how THAT goes.

Tonight has been a very emotional night....filled with nostalgia, sadness, pain, and just altogether a myriad of adjectives for sad, but are much more intense than just saying "sad." I am quite F.I.N.E. tonight, although notsomuch E, because I am definitely not emotionally stuffing it at ALL. I have cried for the better part of the night from 7:30 til' now (like, three hours), for a couple main reasons.

I just don't get people sometimes....they absolutely confound me. I don't see how people can believe one thing one day, but then totally change their outlook to the other extreme the just doesn't make any sense to me. I mean, I guess I'm not meant to understand why people do what they do, but I just wish I could understand them a little better. I guess all I can do for anyone is just pray for them and try to be understanding.

Went to Wal-Mart with Salome was certainly an adventure. We went shopping for a few things, and ended up spending like $63 dollars combined. We searched the store over several times for a shower caddy for her....finally found the entire STORE. Haha, such is life, I suppose.

People are already being very loud out in the hallway....I mean, honestly, do they have an aversion to NOT screaming?? I seriously think they must.

Tried to watch a movie tonight....too much on my I decided to create a new blog, instead.

Much Love and God Bless,


1 comment:

Roger said...

Glad to be in "Your life right now"!