Saturday, February 2, 2008

One down, four to go.

Okay, so I finally finished reading my Emerson essay for American Lit, and am now frantically searching the net for something that will help me better understand it. Shouldn't be too difficult, because I'm pretty sure it's a fairly famous essay. Google must have something, because it's not on Sparknotes. I hate to rely on search engines, but I figure it can't hurt. I mean, I just read the entire essay, so it's not like I'm trying to find a substitute for reading it....I just am trying to be able to understand the concepts a little better. I get the main ideas, or at least I think I get the main idea, but the intricacies are a little harder to interpret. Thank goodness for scholarly journals published for public viewing on the web. =)

With that said, I still have to read for my other classes. I figure I'll read my American History tonight and my History of Christian Thought and Humanities tomorrow. I also need to designate some part of tomorrow for my Humanities writing assignments for Tuesday. Sorry, I know this is boring reading, but I'm just sorting through my thoughts.

Went on a walk today....did I mention that in my earlier blog?? I think I probably did. I'm going hiking at the wildlife refuge with Katie tomorrow around will be nice to get away from all this work that is totally swamping me, already, and this is only the start of the semester. I have a feeling I will be doing not much more than reading my assigned readings for all 4 main classes all semester.

Oh yes, then there's HHP. Thankfully for me, my HHP class got canceled on Thursday, so my first one isn't until Tuesday. Although thankfully for me, our teacher sent us an e-mail saying we don't need the have the HHP book, so I get to take that back to the bookstore and get about $70.00ish dollars back....score!! I will be $70 dollars richer....which is always a good thing. A little extra money never hurt anyone now, did it?? Nope. Sure didn't.

I feel as if I have been very unproductive today....I probably could have finished a lot more work up to this point than I HAVE gotten finished, but out of necessity for contact with the outside world I talked to Mom, Kimmy, and Holly on AIM and talked to Rog on the phone, all of which have taken up 2-3 hours of today. Add to that the time I've been Facebooking, Myspaceing, and Blogging and factor in the UK game....I've wasted the larger pat of today doing stuff that is totally counterproductive to my studying. I need to stop....but I just don't have the willpower. In my mind, it's the weekend, and I deserve to have SOME fun. I already decided to not rush anymore and wait until the fall, so, since everyone else is at rush, I am having my own fun online. =)

I complain about homework a LOT, already, but truth of the matter is, I love college. I would much rather have these IMMENSE amounts of work and be in college than to not have to study at all and be in high school. Seriously, even WITH all of this stress of finishing the work and going to a super challenging school (albeit it was my decision), it's SOOOOOOO much better than high school. high school sucked, plain and simple. Oh well, no need to dwell on the past....unfortunately that's something I'm very good at doing.

No, I take that back. I don't DWELL on the past, I reminisce about the past, or at least parts of it, and I experience nostalgia for a lot of things I've done. HOWEVER, that doesn't keep me from living in the PRESENT and looking toward the FUTURE. I think I have a very bright future ahead of me, that is, provided I make it through these next 3 and a half years. Ideally, once I graduate from Centre, I will find a journalism position, and be able to write for a living....which is what I love to do more than anything. Actually, it would be even MORE ideal if I could start with a journalism job, but eventually just write books for a living, although I realize the life of an author isn't exactly glamorous. It's not exactly a profession that's easy to break into....there are a lot of writers out there and, comparatively speaking, bery few of them make enough money off of their novels alone to live a life other than that of a "starving author." Who knows, though?? Maybe I CAN make it day....eventually....we'll just have to wait and see. THAT would be the dream job.

Speaking of DREAMS, though, I have much bigger plans than just writing. As most of you who know me already know, my dream for SEVERAL years down the road is to open up a treatment facility in Ashland for women and girls with eating disorders. I don't want to be a therapist or nurse there, or even work in the admissions building....I want to be the founder/President and CEO of the facility. I want it to be very similar to Remuda's program, and I want to be the one who tells her story at the Family Week sessions. Simply, I want to be the "Ward Keller" of Ashland, KY. For those of you that DON'T know who Ward Keller is, he is the man who founded Remuda. Here's what one website about Remuda says about Ward:

"Ward Keller, founder of Remuda Ranch, developed this specialized treatment program as a result of helping his daughter in her battle with anorexia. Ward's experience with his daughter's illness and recovery inspired him to establish Remuda Ranch and help other families who have a loved one with an eating disorder. Remuda Ranch Programs for Anorexia and Bulimia opened in January of 1990 and now offer the highest standard of professional care.

As President and CEO, Ward remains actively involved in the day-to-day operations of Remuda. He also sits on the Board of the Wickenburg Regional Hospital, the National Eating Disorder Association (NEDA), and is an executive consultant to the Remuda Foundation."

Seriously, that man is amazing. Remuda's program has helped thousands of women and girls, from age 8-68, get on the road to recovery. I want to be able to say the same about the program I will establish someday. I already have the first five dollars for the facility, given to me by my high school counselor, Mr. Jeff Carroll, when I told him one day my senior year what my big plans were. That was really amazing for me. It's nice to have so many people believe in me and believe that I can do whatever I determine I am going to do. It's a great vote of confidence to have so many people backing my decisions, in all aspects of life, and to know that I am definitely not alone in my dream. I have an amazingly supportive family, boyfriend, and several people who might as well be family to me, and they all know that I can, and WILL, do this before my life is said and done, God-willing, that is.

I truly am blessed in nearly every aspect of my life. God has blessed me with many gifts and abilities, yes, but also with a network of support and encouragement of which most people could only dream. As anyone who knows me can attest, I am a very ambitious individual, and when I set out to make something happen, I will make it happen, but what some don't recognize is that I couldn't do a fraction of what I do if it were not for the sense of hope and faith instilled in me by God and the people who are close to and care about me.

So, in all honesty, I complain about a lot of little things in life, all things about which I shouldn't complain; I get frustrated with myself and my situations very easily, and tend to lose perspective of what really matters; I take things for granted at times, and don't always give God the thanks He deserves; but when it comes right down to it, I know that my life simply couldn't be any better than this.

As Always, Much Love and God Bless, Forever and Ever,


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