Friday, February 8, 2008

Late Night, Short Post, More Tomorrow.

Just a short note to say I will be writing a decent-length blog tomorrow....I am so beat right now....

Another short note: We had Jesus with sprinkles was had by all.

Another Another short note: I am getting to go eat dinner with my cousin tomorrow night (I guess technically tonight), and I am totally stoked.

Another Another Another short note: I CAN'T WAIT for Saturday.

Another Another An-------- A complaint: I don't see why my religion professor clearly makes his disdain for Christians a topic so frequently discussed in class. We are here to LEARN FACTS, not listen to your opinions of how stupid and uneducated we Christians are. Bro. Harold Cathey could totally take you....bring it on.

I spent a grand total of 8-9 hours studying today....someone shoot me, now, please.

Night, All.

Much Love,


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